Upcoming: Revenue Cycle Webinars

2022 Summer Revenue Cycle Recertification Webinars

Register now to attend our live 90-minute webinar training sessions! Each session will feature industry-relevant education specific to the topics of Patient Access, Billing, Healthcare Hospitality and Financial Counseling.


These webinars are designed to offer annual updates to those learners who have previously completed any of the Patient Access, Billing, Healthcare Hospitality or Financial Counselor Certification here at HTHU.net.


Each webinar will begin at 12:30 pm EST on its assigned date.

What if I can't join live?

Webinars will be recorded and hosted in the School of Revenue Cycle Management for up to 12 months post-live session for ease of access.

What's the cost?

These webinars are available at no individual cost to School of Revenue Cycle Management and Annual Education subscribers as well as Iowa SHIP Grant participants. For anyone needed to purchase individually, the cost is $108 per webinar, paid by credit card after registration. Not sure if you should pay or not? Email Meghan Williams for support.

Healthcare Hospitality RecertENROLL NOW!
Patient Access RecertENROLL NOW!
Sept. 8 - Register now!Financial Counselor Recertification