New Course: Needlestick Safety

Needlestick Safety

If you’ve ever accidentally stuck yourself in a fast-paced, emergency situation or had a patient move abruptly while you administered an injection, you know that needlesticks can happen in an instant to even the most vigilant persons. Needlesticks and other sharps injuries are some of the biggest occupational dangers that healthcare workers face every day. Despite advancements in medical devices, best practices, and safety protocols, needlesticks and other sharps injuries remain a risk. This course will help ensure you are using the safest possible protocols and also includes what to do should a needlestick occur.

Suggested Audience: Healthcare workers, law enforcement, funeral directors, prison workers, veterinarians, and dentists

Learning Outcomes: Upon completions of this course, you should be able to:

  • Define needlestick injuries.
  • Explore causes of injury.
  • Describe evidence-based treatment for needlestick and sharps injuries.
  • Review additional consequences of needlesticks.
  • Describe needlestick injury prevention.

If your facility is a subscriber with access to our School of Quality/Compliance, login to enroll in this course from your dashboard.

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