GPCI Credits: Healthcare Grant Professional (HGP) Certification Test Prep Courses

Expand your Healthcare Grant Professional Knowledge & Earn up to 20 GPCI credits!

Grant funding provides hospitals with an opportunity to secure support for initiatives and activities. These courses are designed to help individuals prepare for the Healthcare Grant Professional (HGP) Test.

What's Available?

HomeTown Health has SIXTEEN courses available, including a virtual workshop. Click on any of the buttons below to learn more about each of the available training courses - the course description will provide an overview of what's covered in the course as well as learning outcomes which help learners identify what they should know upon completion of the course.

Suggested Audience: This course is intended for those charged with grant management within a healthcare organization, such as grant managers, project managers, or grant professionals. It is also appropriate for executive and financial leadership, compliance, and board/trustee members charged with management and oversight of the hospital. Lastly, it is appropriate for any others interested in improving knowledge and skills in seeking and managing grants within healthcare organizations.

What's the cost?

Course prices range from $18 - $72 based on the amount of CEUs/Credit Hours provided within the course. Payment is made by credit card at time of enrollment.