Free Webinar: Understanding the Cost Savings of Infection Control

The Next Pandemic is Already Here: Understanding the Cost Savings of Infection Control

Friday, September 9, 2022
10 am EST

  • The Problem: Nearly 300 people die in the US every day from a hospital acquired infection. The financial toll on the US health system is enormous ($40 billion/year). Infections have a negative impact on hospital financials not to mention the cost for patients -- pain and suffering, time lost from work, potential death, etc..
  • The Stakes: Lives lost annually b/c of infections, antibiotic resistance, pathogens remain on surfaces after room is cleaned w/ traditional chemical/manual cleaning methods.
  • Essential Tools/Strategies: Air Disinfection, Antibiotic Stewardship, Hand Hygiene, Education, Surface Disinfection, Isolation Strategies.
  • Action Items: Effective technologies that can play a role in providing a cleaner environment, which will ultimately save the hospital money.
  • Choosing Wisely: How to properly choose a tool (e.g. decision criteria, peer-reviewed papers, references, etc.).