Employee Relations Courses

Employee Relations Training Courses

Whether you are a Human Resources professional, departmental manager or director, a shift supervisor or team leader - dealing with employees in a professional and appropriate matter is of utmost importance within the workplace. Take advantage of our management and leadership training courses today!
Handling Difficult Conversations with Employees

Difficult conversations are essential to resolve issues, address performance shortfalls or otherwise establish clear expectations and ensure effective communication takes place. This course provides key considerations and strategies for preparing for and having difficult conversations with employees.

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Building Strong Teams

This course provides a discussion on building a growth environment for teams, three dimensions of expectations, barriers that have to be removed for effective teams, keys to team success and emotional versus logical vision transfer.

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The Basics of Effective Interviewing

Are you part of interviewing potential new hires? This course will explore the basic features of effective interviewing - including questions to ask and avoid, best practices related to the style of questioning utilized in the interview as well as how to recognize and prevent bias throughout the interview process.

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Leading Through the Transition of Change

Leaders don't want to leave change to chance - they should instead be agents of change. In this course, learners will learn how to navigate through change and to lead successful change initiatives at their facility.

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