Drug & Alcohol Addiction in the Workplace

New Course: Drug & Alcohol Addition in the Workplace

Over 75% of the 12.3 million American adults who are current illicit drug users are also employed. Abuse results in impaired physical and mental conditions and can cause a deceptive state of euphoria or a false sense of well-being. Such abuse can lead to addiction causing dependency – physical, mental or both – that can create personal, family and financial problems beyond the abuser’s control. In this course, we will review the problems of drug and alcohol abuse in the workplace.

Duration: 1 hour 15 mins

Suggested Audience: C-Suite, Managers, Supervisors, and anyone in a supervisory role.

Cost: $18 (Subscribers, login and find this course included within your access to the School of Quality/Compliance)

Upon completion of this session, you should be able to:

  • Review the prevalence and costs of drug and alcohol use in the workplace.
  • Outline the assessment of workplace for drug/alcohol use.
  • Summarize the most commonly abused drugs and physical effects.
  • Describe the components of a drug-free workplace. 

Some workers compensation policies offer discounts to their clients for completing one hour of education related to addiction in the workplace. Check with your carrier to see if this course can benefit your premium rate!

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