2 New Releases: Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

2 New Releases: Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Series: Using Data to Improve Health Equity

Many individuals, families, and communities will continue to experience health disparities as their true needs and barriers to achieving optimal health are left hidden by inadequate sociodemographic and social determinants of health (SDOH) data vital to drive solutions. In this course the speaker will describe the use of data to tell a story that guides the delivery of quality care and improves outcomes for all patients.

Upon completion of this session, you should be able to:

  • Recall the importance of defining health equity for your community.
  • Define US and state level population trends.
  • Recall the role of social determinants of health.
  • Identify the critical factors needed for communities to work collaboratively to address concerns.

Reminder: If you are an HTHU subscriber or grant participant, please login and search for this course under your access. If not, click below to purchase!

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Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Series: Why We Ask - Collecting Race, Ethnicity, and Primary Language

Data collection has long been central to the quality assurance process. Disparities in health care can be addressed through a quality-of-care framework if data on race, ethnicity, and primary language are available. The data may also help evaluate population trends and help ensure nondiscrimination based on race and national origin, such as providing meaningful access for persons with limited English proficiency. In this course we will explore the current research that describes the importance of accurate data collection which organizations can use to ensure they have sufficient language assistance services, develop appropriate patient education materials, and track quality indicators and health outcomes for specific groups to inform improvements in quality of care.

Upon completion of this session, you should be able to:

  • Define health equity.
  • Recall the implications of health disparity.
  • Identify demographic data important to addressing health disparity.

Reminder: If you are an HTHU subscriber or grant participant, please login and search for this course under your access. If not, click below to purchase!

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