Evan Memorial

Annual Employee updates are required by regulatory agencies that monitor the functions of our facility.  In an effort to keep you up to date and aware of policy and procedure changes, we have composed the following facility-specific, position-specific compliance programs. These classes are MANDATORY as specified below.

Enrollment Instructions

New to HTHU?
Click LOGIN above, then click REGISTER to complete the registration form. Be sure to choose Evans Memorial Hospital as your Organization when registering.

HTHU Returning Student?
Click LOGIN above, then SIGIN IN. Enter your username and password.

Annual Education 2022-2023

Input your text here! The text element is intended for longform copy that could potentially include multiple paragraphs.

Additional Education

Once logged in, additional resources and education are listed at the bottom of your education dashboard. Scroll down to see the available Catalogs and click on any Course Card to learn more/enroll. You can also use the SEARCH bar at the top of your dashboard to search by keyword or title.
Need technical support? Contact [email protected]

If you need any assistance with your course requirements or assignments, please contact:

Tayler Wickham, MHA
Director of Talent Acquisition/HR
Office: (912) 739-5122
[email protected]

Abby Wilder
Information Systems Tech

Evans Memorial Hospital
Office: (912) 739-5179 
[email protected]